
Showing posts from 2017

Melt In Your Mouth

Egg On Your Face

Couch Potatos

Slow As Molasses

In a nut shell

Spice Things Up

Spill The Beans

Egg You on!

Hot Potato

Shake And Bake

Cream Of The Crop

Hard nut to crack

Cool as a cucumber

Walkin on egg shells

Sells like hot cakes

Top Banana

Jream Kake

Dream Cake

Smooth as butter

Sweet as Honey

Half Baked

Slice of Life

A nice cup of Joe

Bun in the oven

Easter Special Rotten Eggs

Piece of my mind

Rotten to the core

Sour as vinegar

Cook your goose

Not my cup of Tea

Crying over spilled milk

Cut the Cheese

Smart Cookie

Taking Candy from a baby

Sweet Tooth

Sticks to your ribs

In a pickle

The big cheese

Apple of my eye

Chop Keemi the comic strip #1 Egg-travaganza

Chop Keemi Personality Quiz